Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The 2011 Bad-Day-Bar Has Been Set

ok so i have set my 2011 bad-day-bar with:

wake up at 3:30 am in a flu-ridden coughing fit, and not get back to sleep until 11am

catch only about 40 minutes of half awake "rest" due to the timely headached chills that no self respecting fever would show up without

struggle to find food requiring an effort level that matches my huge appetite and limiting weakened condition only to be forced, just as i sit down to eat mind you - mouth open for the first bite like in the movies, into the attic with a fire extinguisher when the bedroom light fixture shorted out in a blaze of smokey sparky glory that took just long enough to resolve for my lunch to get cold

its not an insurmountable bad-day-bar to say the least, but it is a robust one for sure. hey the day's not over yet. its only 3:00.
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